Why You Should Use Positive Discipline For Toddlers

Children learn various things especially in the first few years of their life. Therefore, each parent should strive to teach his or her children well during these years. Positive discipline for toddlers and preschoolers is very important, as parents are able to instill values in their children without having to use threats and punishments. There are various benefits of positive discipline for young children that parents should know about in order to embrace this form of discipline.

Positive discipline

Positive Discipline For Toddlers

  •  Better understanding of Feelings

Usually, children respond better when their parents tell them how they feel when they do certain things. For instance, before disciplining a child, it is important for a parent to tell the child how they feel about certain things they may have done. If a parent would want their child to clean up after he/she played with toys, for instance, it is essential for the parent to praise their child each time, they make an effort to clean the room, and not only to reprieve them when they do not clean the room.

Positive discipline

  • Stronger Parent-Child Relationship

Positive discipline also enhances the relationship between a parent and the child. This is because the parent always makes an effort to praise a child when they behave well rather than just punish the child each time they do something wrong. Therefore, such positive discipline for children is important in ensuring that such a child learns various things quickly. Statistics indicate that children with special needs are likely to improve in learning when they are shown love, affection and guidance rather than threats.

  • Reduces Misbehavior in Children

Most people think that punishing a child can make them stop misbehaving. In most cases, punishing a child may make them feel worse about themselves thus leading to more misbehavior. The punishment may also undermine the relationship a child may have with their parent and thus lead to power struggles between the child and the parent. Such power struggles may have a negative effect on the relationship a parent may have with their child. Despite the various benefits associated with positive discipline, there are also some disadvantages of using positive discipline.

Positive discipline

  • The time it takes

The greatest drawback of positive discipline is the time it takes to learn how to use positive discipline. Therefore, parents trying out positive discipline may feel overwhelmed. A parent may end up being easily disappointed when the positive discipline does not achieve quick results, as they may want it to.

Positive discipline

  • Positive Discipline requires a lot of practice

In addition to the time that it may take to use positive discipline for disciplining a child, there is also need for practice. A parent needs to undergo a lot of practice in order to know how to discipline the child. Even if a person may read positive discipline for toddlers articles, it may be a great challenge when the child misbehaves and they need to discipline them in practice. Therefore, in order to be successful in using positive discipline for toddlers, practice plays an important role.

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