Tips For New Moms To Lose Weight Easily

As a new mom, your body has gone through a great deal of stress due to child birth. What are the tips for new moms to lose weight easily? It needs minerals and vitamins to heal. This means you have to a healthy supply of all the necessary nutrients needed for quick recovery as well as sustenance. You will be suffering from exhaustion, fatigue, stress and in some cases depression. If you are breast feeding, not only does your body need the nutrients, but your body depends on your getting enough to feed him/her well. In order to sufficiently sustain yourself while losing the ‘baby fat’ at the same time, you have to take carefully measured steps and eat not only what is right for you, but what is healthy for your baby as well.

Tips For New Moms To Lose Weight Easily


Here are some tips for new moms to lose weight easily:

  • Know the nutrients you need

Tips For New Moms

For a new mom, eating isn’t just about getting full, it is also about getting healthy. You need calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones; Vitamin C for iron absorption; Iron helps with anemia; Folate for future pregnancies; protein for body tissue repairs and building and so on. You need to have an idea as to how much of these nutrients you need to take in on a daily basis especially since you will be lactating. Here is a rough guide as to how much you need:

For breastfeeding moms:

Vitamin C: 95 mgCalories: 2,200–2,400Folate: 280 mcgCalcium: 1,000–1,300 mgProtein: 65 gIron: 15 mg

For non-breastfeeding moms:

Vitamin C: 60 mgCalories: 1,900–2,200Folate: 180 mcgCalcium: 1,300 mgProtein: 44–50 gIron: 15 mg

  • Drink lots of water

Not only is water a cleansing agent, but it also helps keep you hydrated. For a breastfeeding mom, dehydration is one of your most dangerous enemies. Drink a great deal of clean water every day. At least eight glasses each day. This will help keep you sufficiently hydrated as well as constantly full so you crave less and less junk food.

  • Rest sufficiently

Of course it will be somewhat difficult to sleep with a newborn baby in the house. There is an old adage that gives very good advice, it goes: ‘sleep when your baby sleeps‘. This is the simplest and yet the most effective piece of advice you will ever get in regards to rest as a new born mom. Research has shown that mothers who get more than seven hours of proper sleep are less likely to retain the baby fat than those who do not. You should therefore try as much as you can to adequately sleep. Remember, you do not have to do it alone. Have someone help with the baby every now and then; spouse, parents, friends, nanny and so forth. Make sure you get some rest.

Tips For New Moms

  • Exercise

There is no alternative, you have to work out. Even if it is through limited sessions. Always schedule some time to take a quick walk or run around the neighborhood. If you simply cannot see how or where you will find the time, then simply take your baby for a walk. Something as simple as pushing the baby stroller for a few hours or minutes in a day can really help you burn that extra fat.

Tips For New Moms

What you need to remember is that losing the extra weight is going to take some time. Find a healthy diet and follow it diligently. Always take in a the right type of food in the right amount and be prepared to spend some time trying to lose weight. These are simple tips for new moms to easily lose weight. Combine these with healthy living and you will gradually lose weight and be healthier for it.

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