Parenting Books To Add To Your Reading List

Parenting can be a tedious task to those who aren’t experienced in it. Knowledge of how to provide the needs of your child can be gathered by reading good parenting books. Parenting books, not just provide you with the vital knowledge on how to gauge your new guest’s needs but also provide you with the information on how to deal with the problems faced by infants, and toddlers alike. Today we are going to talk about two parenting books which you should add to your reading list if you are expecting a baby in the near future.

Parenting Books To Add To Your Reading List

  • Eat, Sleep, Poop – A common sense guide to your baby’s first year – By Scott W. Cohen

 Parenting Books

The first year of your baby’s life is probably one of the most difficult times for you. Considering they only perform the three tasks stated in the title of the book, they can wear you out very quickly. And thus this parenting book provides you with the knowledge on how deal with your newborn’s first year. The author, Dr. Scott W. Cohen, shares his experience as a father of a baby and provides some perspective for parents using his expertise as a pediatrician. The book is a practical guide to your child’s first year and will provide you with step by step instructions on how to deal with any issue faced by you or your child. Cohen, in his book, clearly states that he knows being a father is different from being a doctor, and thus is able to provide you with expert advice as well as practical guidelines at the same time. The tips are properly managed with charts, bullet points and lists, along with several action plans to get you started on your child rearing duties quickly.

  • The Nursing mother’s companion – By Kathleen Huggins

The nursing mother’s companion is the best guide to mothers who are currently lactating their babies. This parenting book doesn’t beat around the bush about why breastfeeding is important for mothers and babies. No, there are other books and references for that. This book delves straight on how to breastfeed and gives you some invaluable tips on lactating your baby. The book is concise and very resourceful for those mom’s who have eagerly accepted top breastfeed their babies. In case that you run into some problems, which is quite normal when you are a new parent, the book provides a step by step action plan on how to tackle it in every possible way. The only possible con this book faces is that there are some syntax errors in the book which might confuse some people. Otherwise the book is great for new mothers and is a must buy.

Parenting Books

So these were the two parenting books which one must add to their reading list if they are expecting a baby. It is recommended that mothers-to-be start reading the book when they are in their final stages of pregnancy thereby giving them enough time to absorb and grasp all the nuances. Thanks for reading!!!

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