Best Books For New Moms

New moms have a lot of learning to do because caring for a child is no child’s play. Many experts have come up with tutorials and even best books for new moms to help and guide them through this new, overwhelming yet exciting role. One of life’s greatest joys is holding your baby for the first time, right after birth.

 Books For New Moms

Best Books For New Moms

Being a new mom comes with its fair share of joys and low moments. A myriad of emotions are experienced during the first few weeks and some last forever. New moms can do with all the help that they can get emotionally, physically and even psychologically. This is why even books with guidelines and advice come in handy.

  • Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 5th Edition: Birth to Age 5 

This is an authoritative book having been authored by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This means that the book contains facts and proven ways of going about raising a baby. It is an essential resource for parents, both mom and dad, giving a step by step guide of raising a child from birth to age five. It is content that every parent can trust and rely on.

 Books For New Moms

This book is also thorough and in depth. It basically covers all there is to say about taking care of and raising a child. Parents are taken through the basic guidelines of caring for their child and addressing their needs, it touches on maternal health during pregnancy and after delivering, child safety, vaccinations and interactions of the child with his or her immediate environment. All relevant information to parents is adequately covered here.

Since it is authored by pediatricians, this book contains just the sort of advice that a parent would get from their child’s doctor. The content is cut just right. It gives advice to parents on just about everything that they ought to and ought not to do to their child. Then most importantly, it touches on child health matters giving advice to parents on what to look out for when it comes to health problems associated with children. This book makes one great summation, written concisely and comprehensively to guide parents.

Cons of this book

On the flip side, the book contains several sections that are ambiguous leaving the reader confused. These sections have not been properly organized such that the text is inconsistent.

The book is also plainly written. While this makes it easy to understand, readers can easily get bored. When a large book like this one does not make the reader enthusiastic about reading it, it is possible that the reader may give up reading it altogether.

  • Trim Healthy Mama 

This is the book that can be described as a way of life, and not a diet book. Reason being, it has surpassed the common diet books that are available just about everywhere in the market. It gives practical ways of healthy mothering. Readers are encouraged to practice a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods. Just by reading this book and following through with the advice therein, one can make diet changes that will lead to healthy living. These are diet plans that are practical and with no deprivation whatsoever.

Another thumb up for this book goes to the enormous collection of healthy recipes outlined in the book. This great collection consists of balanced diet foods where saturated fats and sugars have been replaced by healthier substitutes.

Books For New Moms

This book also gives insight on ways to keep the body metabolism up. It talks about hormones, skin care tips, intimacy in relationships and exercise. From the suggested diet plans, to numerous recipes and life advice, this book makes a great resource for every woman.

Cons of this book

Since the book largely covers matters concerning food, some of the ingredients used and suggested are hard to find in stores. Other ingredients may be way too expensive to be afforded by all people that wish to practice the healthy living prescribed in this book.

Secondly, it may prove to be too long a book to read on diets and recipes for people who are not keen on reading. The book also leans heavily towards one gender and may therefore not appeal male readers. However, it still ranks high in top books for new moms.

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