Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

Many parents are up and about on the internet looking for tips on how to discipline a 3 year old. One may ask why specifically a 3 year old? This is because 3 years is a very critical age. It is the most challenging age for majority of parents. At 3 years, toddlers are learning a couple of things, they are actively exploring the world, learning independence and are seeking to control their siblings. That is why parents need skills to say no to a toddler who exhibits undesirable characteristics at this stage and learn to direct them appropriately. There are several tips on how to discipline a 3 year old without hitting. Different tips apply depending on the behavior being discouraged.

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline a 3-Year Old

  • How to discipline a 3 year old who doesn’t listen

If your three year old does not seem to listen to anything that you say, there may be several reasons for that. It could either be that they are learning to be rebellious, or they hardly understand your instructions or they do not appreciate your authority. The first thing that you need to understand is that a 3 year old still does not comprehend a lot of words you use. You are likely to lose him if you use a chain of words to give a simple command.

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

Keep your commands short and simple. Also make sure that the toddler does not leave the room until you have finished talking to them. If your kid knows how to speak coherently, ask him to repeat what you just said as a way of making sure that he got it.

  • How to discipline a 3 year old who lies

If not checked early, lying could form for a disgusting habit in the future. Parents need to be stern when dealing with a lying toddler. Once you discover the lie, get down to the level of the child and look him straight in the eye.

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

While maintaining the gaze, tell him sternly that you will not accept any more lies from him and that lying is unacceptable. If the habit persists, there is no harm in employing a more stern voice and a little shouting to make sure that he takes your warning seriously. Looking a child is a great way of getting the message across with the seriousness it deserves.

  • How to discipline a 3 year old who hits

At 3 years, kids want to exercise control over their younger siblings and may hit them at times. Some even hit their parents back when being disciplined. To deal with this, you need to set boundaries for you child. Let him know that he has no permission to hit anyone and that you will not tolerate it.

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

You should then focus on how you would want him to behave. For instance, you may tell him to handle his siblings gently and with love the way you handle him. If the hitting is a reaction to anger, you need to find out what is angering him and address it instead.

  • How to discipline a 3 year old who talks back

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

Talking back is a show of rebellion on the part of the child and lack of sternness on the part of the parents. Parents therefore need to be stricter when saying no to their child or when giving instructions. It is important to let the toddler know that you have the final say and you demand obedience.

  • How to discipline a 3 year old who is strong willed

A strong willed child is the hardest to deal with. The trick is to be consistent while giving instructions or orders. Do not deviate or be lenient for even a second until the child gets it. If he starts throwing tantrums, do not stoop down to him. Instead, leave the room as a way of letting him know there is no other way out.

Awesome Tips On How To Discipline A 3 Year Old

These tips may not work for all children. Sometimes a combination of different mechanisms works best. But if you have been wondering how to discipline a 3 year old, you may want to give this a try.

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