New mothers who have a beautiful child and a job they love usually find it challenging to balance their work and family responsibilities. Heeding advice for new moms is essential because it will help you know how to perform your duties both at work and at home. Coming home late can mean missing a baby’s first words and family dinner among other things. The following are some of the things you can do to reduce the pressure of being a new working mother.
Advice for new moms going back to work
After your maternity leave ends, the thought of waking up early to go to work after being up several times in the night with a crying infant may seem impossible. You may also feel guilty about spending a lot of time away from your baby. Regardless of how hard and long you have thought about your decision to go back to work, you should be ready for mixed emotions. Even though you will encounter some challenges along the way, the following advice for new moms returning to work will make the process less stressful.
- Practice your new routine
It will take you some time to learn how to balance your new roles and you can do so faster if your daily routine is well organized. In order to ensure that your new schedule will be efficient, perform a number of practice runs one week before you are due to return to work. Try out your work routine if possible and familiarize yourself with having to part with your infant. After you start working, set your alarm early during the first week so that you will have ample time to prepare yourself. Make sure that you also create a backup plan for the days when your babysitter or baby is sick.
- Get adequate rest
Most working mothers complain about feeling exhausted. For this reason, you should make sure that you prioritize on your sleep needs over performing household tasks like laundry and dishwashing. Your partner can help you complete some of these tasks. Since you have to get up early, you should to get to bed early. This can help you get enough rest before your baby starts sleeping through the night.
Other Tips and Advice For New Moms On Balancing Motherhood And Career
- Keep your concerns to yourself at work
As you work, try as much as possible to avoid worrying about your baby, how exhausted you are or about the piles of work that may have built up in your absence. Avoid telling your coworkers or boss about your problems. Bear in mind that your new role as a mother can even make you more productive.
- Stick with your work schedule
In your first few months upon returning to work, you will encounter days when you feel that it is not possible for you to manage. You may feel that quitting is the right decision. However, you should not quit just yet because new mothers need time to get used to a new schedule. If you are not able to cope after a few months, consider requesting your employer to provide you with a flexible schedule such as allowing you to work from home 1 or 2 days a week or part time. By taking note of this advice for new moms, you can find a healthy career and family balance.