3 Year Old Discipline Techniques For An Easier Time Parenting

Once a child hits toddler age, parenting suddenly becomes difficult. There are things, however, that we can do to maximize 3 year old discipline. This article will explore ideas that will ultimately lead to an easier time in parenting your 3 year old.

3 year old discipline for an easier time parenting

3 year old discipline for an easier time parenting

Before we dwell into the how-to, let’s first discuss the why. We have to remember that it is around this time that children begin to speak in complete sentences. Their clear voice and strong demeanor can sometimes fool us about where they are mentally, socially, and emotionally. The most basic is to constantly remind ourselves that they are,essentially, still babies. Once we come from that perspective, it becomes easier for us to stretch our patience and understanding.

3 year old discipline for an easier time parenting

A teaching moment

While there is no need to worry about your kid being selfish at this stage (e.g. not willing to share toys or food), parents should not tolerate it. In fact, it is the most appropriate moment to step in and show what your child ought to do. Condoning even the simplest misbehavior may open doors to more 3 year old discipline problems in the future.

3 year old discipline techniques

Unknown to some, there are many 3 year old discipline strategies that parents can employ to better handle their children. Here are some 3 year old discipline ideas that you can try:

  • Organize play dates.

Socializing is a great way to “teach” your child good behavior. Notice the quotation marks. Teach here does not mean lecture. It means learning through experience. Through socializing, your child inevitably gets to wait turns, share toys, and exchange nice words like please and thank you.

3 year old discipline for an easier time parenting

  • Be creative.

It is a given that a child at this age has limited interest and attention span. Parents must realize once their children get all fidgety and hyperactive, a simple no is not enough. There is a need to stimulate your child positively. Have a book close at hand. Prepare a child-friendly music list. Instead of saying, “No more playing. It’s time for your bath,” say, “Let’s race to the bathroom!” Expand your creativity. Approach tasks in a playful manner. It will do wonders.

  • Respond positively to tantrums and aggression.

One of the most discussed 3 year old discipline issues revolve around parents’ approach towards tantrums and aggression. Here are some 3 year old discipline tips to constructively respond to your child’s negative behavior:

  • Ignore.

A child usually throws a tantrum to get his/her way. Ignoring it would tell the child that incessant crying will not lead him/her anywhere.

  • Remove from the situation as quickly as possible.

This is an alternative especially if you are in public. Wait for your child to calm down. More often than not, they may just need a quick nap.

3 year old discipline for an easier time parenting

  • Time out.

Remove privileges (e.g. TV time, more playtime). Once they show good behavior, restore said privileges.

3 year old discipline is not impossible to achieve. While this stage can be such an emotional ride for both you and your child, always remember that it comes with the territory. If we invest enough love, time, patience, and support, our child will grow up gracefully, effectively adjusting to the world.

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